by Boyce C. Williams II
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May 19, 2017
Worthy Grand Knights and Brothers All,
First thank you for visiting this page. Just by being here you are indicating that you have a desire to protect life and the culture of life of all.
Each council should have a Culture of Life Director preferably one who is married whose wife will work with him but that is not a mandatory requirement. A single Knight may also hold the position.
It is essential that this person or persons have a passion for protection of life from conception to death.
This person should not be afraid to call or email their state representatives to voice their opinion as to the Right to Life or anything that would interfere with that right.
This person should also be willing to peacefully demonstrate in front of abortion clinics, do 40 days of life, attend the Right To Life Marches held in January, do Baby Bottle drives to raise money for Birth Right or a Pregnancy Care Center in your area. Work with the Ultra Sound Program Chairman if asked to assist getting an Ultra Sound Machine installed somewhere.
As Culture of Life representatives we are in a war! We are slowly beginning to win that war but we have to stay active and strive to get more people involved, especially the youth. They are our biggest chance of beating the culture of death that now prevails in this country.
So welcome, tour the site, all information is being updated frequently so visit often and if questions arise you can contact me by clicking on my email link.
Thank you for all that you do.
Boyce C. Williams II
NC State Knights of Columbus Director Culture of Life.
2016 - Division 1
July 30th, 2016 – Council #9549 of Hillsborough and parish members came together to pray the rosary for the unborn on the 5th Sunday of July.
The Culture of Life is not just a an event, or a second thought, or even a recurring agenda line item in our meetings. A Past Grand Knight, Anthony Calandra has a mission to activate our community in prayer and thoughtful action in protection of the unborn. This knights efforts are affecting our council, our church community, and our greater community when they see our efforts.
The 5th Sunday prayers after the 5:30 mass was a gateway for the Spanish and English speaking members of the community to join each other in prayers that celebrate faith and belief in the effort to protect the unborn.
This event brings people of our community together for a moment in time, and a moment in prayer. It is the weekly prayer at an abortion center which illustrates the perseverance and dedication of Brother Anthony and his wife, and those that stand with him in prayer, and to offer of alternatives to young women who have a choice.
Action in the Culture of Life includes prayer, presence and perseverance. With a small community, and a few dedicated members, the example of what Culture of Life means is becoming a growing part of our church family.