Online Vote

Brother Knights,

We have the following motions on the table that requires a second council votes. Please review the motions and click on the link the vote when you are ready.

Motion #1: The motion was made on June 8 to "Accept the new budget format and pass the budget as presented" here: Budget-FY-23-24-Proposal
Motion #2: The motion was made on June 8 to "reallocate a budget line item earmark for Ultrasound in the amount of $2112.61 to the new Pregnancy support ASAP program."  Only one vote is required for this motion and had already passed by a unanimous vote. This is here for acknowledgement only.
(review minutes - KofC-council-9549-Meeting-Minutes-2023-06-08).  
Motion #3: The motion was made on July 13 to "Use the extra fund of $2065 to buy a new processional cross for the church." 
(review minutes - KofC-council-9549-Meeting-Minutes-2023-07-13)

I'm ready to vote